Big pieces of timber
Cearchaill - a big heavy stick
Láfrán - a heavy stick Láfráin - heavy sticks
Lafrán dhe mhaide - a heavy stick
Strumpán - a big thick piece of timber
Gas - a long piece of driftwood
Small pieces of timber
Cáimín - a short light stick
Cipín – a match, a small stick
Chopped up pieces of timber
Maidí coilleadh – sawn pieces of timber
Useful sticks
Cromóg – hooked stick
Maide cam - walking stick
Cáimín dhe mhaide - a stick with a curved handle
Píosa adhmaid - a lump of timber
Clárthaí – planks
Moirtéiseachaí – mortices
Branches, stems, twigs etc.
Brosna – bundle of twigs
Sailí - sally rods
Píosa adhmaid a thigeadh faoi thír - a piece of wood had come ashore